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Caffè Pedrocchi, a historic symbol of Padua

A unique heritage venue in Padua

The history of Caffè Pedrocchi has always been closely connected to the city of Padua.
Caffè Pedrocchi
, a symbol and icon of the city, is an unmissable tourist destination for anyone visiting Padua.

In the heart of Padua, the "Café without doors"

The city of Padua, elegant city and rich in history, is nicknamed “the city of the 3 withouts”:

  • the city with a café without doors,
  • a meadow without grass
  • and a saint without a name.

Caffè Pedrocchi, the “Café without doors”

You might have guessed it… the Café without doors is indeed Caffè Pedrocchi, one of the most important historical and literary cafes in Italy.
When it first started, it came to be known as “the Café without doors” because it was the only café in Padua that, until 1916, was always open and ready to welcome its customers at any time of day or night.

The Museum of the Risorgimento and Contemporary Age

Since 2004, the rooms of the Piano Nobile have housed the Museum of the Risorgimento (unification of Italy) and Contemporary Age.

The exhibition tells a fascinating story that spans more than a century and a half of history, starting with the decline of the Venetian Republic in 1797, and ending with 1 January 1948, a significant moment in history, for this is when the Italian Constitution became effective.